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Halt/Resume ChaosSchedule

Chaos Schedules can be halted or resumed as per need. It can tuned via setting spec.scheduleState to halt and active respectively.

View the state schema

Field .spec.scheduleState
Description Flag to control chaosshedule state
Type Optional
Range active, halt, complete
Default active
Notes The scheduleState is the current state of ChaosSchedule. If the schedule is running its state will be active, if the schedule is halted its state will be halt and if the schedule is completed it state will be complete.

Halt The Schedule

Follow the below steps to halt the active schedule:

  • Edit the ChaosSchedule CR in your favourite editor
    kubectl edit chaosschedule schedule-nginx
  • Change the spec.scheduleState to halt
      scheduleState: halt

Resume The Schedule

Follow the below steps to resume the halted schedule:

  • Edit the chaosschedule
    kubectl edit chaosschedule schedule-nginx
  • Change the spec.scheduleState to active
      scheduleState: active